

#To use mongodb, firstly you need use the following sentence to start mongo after $sudo dnf install mongodb, mongodb-service:
#$sudo service mongod start
#If succeed, it will be followed by :
#Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start mongod.service
#By using $top, you will see mongo
import pymongo
import datetime
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient(host = 'localhost',port = 27017)#host='10,244,25,180'
#host can be given by $ifconfig #then you can see host from infomations with 'lo':
#host = '?',?not allways be localhost, in the current system, localhost has been replaced by GIS, 
#but if set ?=GIS, client.server_info() would not work successfully.
#The correct way is to use $mongo, to start mongo shell, you will see:
MongoDB shell version v3.4.10
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.10
Welcome to the MongoDB shell.
#From the above information, you would understand that host should be set by ''.
#If host = '' is set in the above python sentence, the following python sentence will work well.
client.server_info()#showing mongo service information
client.database_names()#mongo> show dbs, in my system, one database name is dc
db = client.dc#mongo>use dc#change current database to database dc
db.colletion_names()#>show collections, mysystem, one collection name is dbr001
cll = db.dbr001#for use dbr001 easily
cll.count()#return cll's number of records

    #from pymongo import IndexModel, ASCENDING, DESCENDING
    #index1 = IndexModel([("hello", DESCENDING),
    #                 ("world", ASCENDING)], name="hello_world")
    #index2 = IndexModel([("goodbye", DESCENDING)])
    #db.test.create_indexes([index1, index2])
    #db.collection_names()#[u'pb', u'test']
    #db.test.index_information()#{u'_id_': {u'key': [(u'_id', 1)], u'ns': u'public_bike.test', u'v': 2}, u'goodbye_-1': {u'key': [(u'goodbye', -1)],
    #u'ns': u'public_bike.test',u'v': 2},
    #u'hello_world': {u'key': [(u'hello', -1), (u'world', 1)],u'ns': u'public_bike.test',u'v': 2}}
a = cll.distinct(u'bikeid')#如果key的值有多个重复值,如果需要获得key取值的不重复序列,则可以用distinct可以获得key,bikeid的不重复序列.
aa = []
for i in a:

#cll.remove()#delete whole collection forever
result = db.test.update_many({'y': 11}, {'$rename': {'y': 'x'}})#把所有'y':11的doc的key名字'y'更换为'x'.
#实际例子,public bike数据库中,the one in tesk computer with key name 'starttime',but in laptop computer, the key name is 'start_time'
#to make the same code works well in the two database, it is needed to rename 'starttime' to 'start_time',the following code fulfilled:
pb.update_many({},{"rename":{u'starttime':u'start_time'}}}#the first {} means filter with nothing
#cll = db.test,cll的作用就是和db.test一样。
for i in db.pb.find():#下面的语句能实现将'\r'去掉,但速度较慢                 
    if len(i[u'birthyear'])>0 and '\r' == i[u'birthyear'][-1]:

client.close()#to disconnect mongodb
